November 28, 2024
Major update with the integration of about 1 000 more data in PANDORA from the following references:
Blondel, Alodie, and Hervé Plaisance. 2011. “Screening of Formaldehyde Indoor Sources and Quantification of Their Emission Using a Passive Sampler.” Building and Environment 46 (6): 1284–91.
Caudron, C., O. LeMaitre, L. Deroo, S. Gosset, E. Hallemans, M. Renaud, G. Coulbaux, et al. 2022. “EmiBio–Emissions Des Matériaux Biosourcés–Rapport Final,” 161.
Chan, Way R., Yang-S. Kim, Brennen D. Less, Brett C. Singer, and Iain S. Walker. 2020. “Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in New California Homes with Gas Appliances and Mechanical Ventilation.” Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.(LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States).
Jung, Chuloh, and Naglaa Sami Abdelaziz Mahmoud. 2022. “Extracting the Critical Points of Formaldehyde (HCHO) Emission Model in Hot Desert Climate.” Air, Soil and Water Research 15 (January):117862212211050.
Kort, Janneke MA de, Florent Gauvin, Marcel GLC Loomans, and H. J. H. Brouwers. 2023. “Emission Rates of Bio-Based Building Materials, a Method Description for Qualifying and Quantifying VOC Emissions.” Science of the Total Environment 905:167158.
Kozicki, Mateusz, and Katarzyna Guzik. 2021. “Comparison of VOC Emissions Produced by Different Types of Adhesives Based on Test Chambers.” Materials 14 (8): 1924.
Kozicki, Mateusz, Michał Piasecki, Anna Goljan, Halina Deptuła, and Adam Niesłochowski. 2018. “Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from Dispersion and Cementitious Waterproofing Products.” Sustainability 10 (7): 2178.
Nicolas, M., G. Karr, E. Real, and F. Maupetit. 2018. “PEPS : Impact des produits d’entretien sur la qualité de l’air intérieur.” PEPS-Définition d’un protocole d’essais simple et harmonisé pour l’évaluation des émissions en composés volatils. Synthèse, 122–24.
Nicolas, M., E. Quivet, K. Guillaume, E. Real, D. Buiron, and F. Maupetit. 2017. “Exposition Aux Polluants Émis Par Les Bougies et Les Encens Dans Les Environnements Intérieurs – Émissions et Risques Sanitaires Associés.” Projet EBENE (APR ADEME CORTEA).
Offermann, F.J., M. Mueller, L. Spiegel, K. Koyama, T. Kelly, and M. Jones. 2009. “Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in New Homes.” California Air Resources Board and California Energy Commission, , PIER Energy-Related Environmental Research Program. Collaborative Report.
O’Leary, Catherine, Yvonne Kluizenaar, Piet Jacobs, Wouter Borsboom, Ian Hall, and Benjamin Jones. 2019. “Investigating Measurements of Fine Particle (PM2.5) Emissions from the Cooking of Meals and Mitigating Exposure Using a Cooker Hood.” Indoor Air 29 (3): 423–38.
Persily, A., and L. De Jonge. 2017. “Carbon Dioxide Generation Rates for Building Occupants.” Indoor Air 27 (5): 868–79.
Tang, Xiaochen, Pawel K. Misztal, William W Nazaroff, and Allen H. Goldstein. 2016. “Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Humans Indoors.” Environmental Science & Technology 50 (23): 12686–94.
Wang, Nijing, Lisa Ernle, Gabriel Bekö, Pawel Wargocki, and Jonathan Williams. 2022. “Emission Rates of Volatile Organic Compounds from Humans.” Environmental Science & Technology 56 (8): 4838–48.
Yan, Meihong, Yunbo Zhai, Pengtu Shi, Yanjun Hu, Haijian Yang, and Hongjie Zhao. 2019. “Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds from New Furniture Products and Its Impact on Human Health.” Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 25 (7): 1886–1906.
Zhao, H., Iain S. Walker, Michael D. Sohn, and Brennan Less. 2022. “A Time-Varying Model for Predicting Formaldehyde Emission Rates in Homes.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (11): 6603.
Zhao, J., W. Birmili, Tareq Hussein, Birgit Wehner, and Alfred Wiedensohler. 2021. “Particle Number Emission Rates of Aerosol Sources in 40 German Households and Their Contributions to Ultrafine and Fine Particle Exposure.” Indoor Air 31 (3): 818–31.
Zheng, Hailin, Júlia Csemezová, Marcel Loomans, Shalika Walker, Florent Gauvin, and Wim Zeiler. 2024. “Species Profile of Volatile Organic Compounds Emission and Health Risk Assessment from Typical Indoor Events in Daycare Centers.” Science of the Total Environment 918:170734.
September 26, 2022
Correction: the emission rates included in PANDORA for the following reference were in mg/s (and not mg/min as specified in the info card) before this correction.
Lee S.C. , Wang B. Title: Characteristics of Emissions of Air Pollutants from Burning of Incense in a Large Environmental Chamber. Journal: Atmospheric Environment. 2004.
May 08, 2021
The data compiled in PANDORA come from papers from peer-reviewed journals, conferences and project reports. You will find below the list of the references used in PANDORA.
Afshari A., Lundgren B., Ekberg L. 2003. Comparison of Three Small Chamber Test Methods for the Measurement of VOC Emission Rates from Paint. Indoor Air, 13, pp. 156-165.
Afshari A., Matson U., Ekberg L.E. 2005. Characterization of Indoor Sources of Fine and Ultrafine Particles: a Study conducted in a Full-Scale Chamber. Indoor Air, 15, pp. 141–150.
Alevantis, L. 2003. Building Material Emission Study. Report.
Bartekova A., Lungu C., Shmulsky R., Huelman P., Park J.Y. 2006. Laboratory Evaluation of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Coated and Uncoated Oriented Strandboard. Forest Products Journal, 56, pp. 85-90.
Berrios I.T., Zhang B.G., Smith J., Zhang Z. 2005. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Emissions from Sources in a Partitioned Office Environment and their Impact on IAQ. Proceedings From Indoor Air 2005.
Black M.S., Worthan A.W. 1999. Emissions from Office Equipment. The 8th International Conference on Indoor Air and Climate, 2, pp. 454–459.
Borrazzo J.E., Osborn J.F., Fortmann R.C., Keefer R.L., Davidson C.I. 1987. Modeling and Monitoring of CO, NO and NO2 in a Modern Townhouse. Atmospheric Environment, 21, pp. 299-311.
Brown S.K. 1999. Assessment of Pollutant Emissions from Dry-Process Photocopiers. Indoor Air, 9, pp. 259-267.
Burton L.E., Girman J.G., Womble S.E. 2000. Airborne Particulate Matter within 100 Randomly Selected Office Buildings in the United States (BASE). Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2000.
Caceres T., Soto H., Lissi E. 1983. Indoor house Pollution: Appliance Emissions and Indoor Ambient Concentrations. Atmospheric Environment, 17, pp. 1009-1013.
Carteret M., Pauwels J.F., Hanoune B. 2012. Emission factors of gaseous pollutants from recent kerosene space heaters and fuels available in France in 2010. Indoor Air, 22, pp. 299–308.
Derbez M., Solal C. 2014. Etude exploratoire: caractérisation des émissions de fournitures scolaires et de produits d'entretien utilisés dans une école et analyse des données de composition. Report.
ECA-IAQ 1998. Evaluation of VOC Emission from Building Products: Solid Flooring Materials. Report.
Evans G.J., Peers A., Sabaliauskas K. 2008. Particle Dose Estimation from Frying in Residential Settings. Indoor Air, 18, pp. 499–510.
Fernandes E.O. 2001. SOPHIE: Materials for Healthy Indoor Spaces and More Energy Efficient Buildings. Report.
Funaki R., Tanaka H., Nakagawa T., Tanabe S. 2003. Measurements of Aldehydes and VOCs from Electronic Appliances by using a Small Chamber. Proceedings: Healthy Buildings 2003.
Géhin E., Ramalho O., Kirchner S. 2008. Size Distribution and Emission Rate Measurement of Fine and Ultrafine Particle from Indoor Human Activities. Atmospheric Environment, 42, pp. 8341–8352.
Girman J.R., Apte M.G., Traynor G.W., Allen J.R., Hollowell C.D. 1982. Pollutant Emission Rates from Indoor Combustion Appliances and Sidestream Cigarette Smoke. Environment International, 8, pp. 213-221.
He C., Morawska L., Hitchins J., Gilbert D. 2004. Contribution from Indoor Sources to Particle Number and Mass Concentrations in Residential Houses. Atmospheric Environment, 38, pp. 3405–3415.
He C., Morawska L., Taplin L. 2007. Particle Emission Characteristics of Office Printers. Environmental Science and Technology, 41, pp. 6039-6045.
Health Canada 2006. Constituents and Emissions Reported for Cigarettes sold in Canada. Report.
Hetes R., Moore M., Northeim C. 1995. Office Equipment: Design, Indoor Air Emissions, and Pollution Prevention Opportunities. Report.
Klepeis N.E., Apte M.G., Gundel L.A., Sextro R.G., Nazaroff W.W. 2003. Determining Size-Specific Emission Factors for Environmental Tobacco Smoke Particles. Aerosol Science and Technology, 37, pp. 780-790.
Kurosawa Y., Takano S., Tanabe S., Morimoto M. 2008. Measurement of Chemical Pollutants Emitted From Livingware using Chamber Method. Proceedings of Indoor Air.
Lam S., Lee S.C. 2000. Characterization of VOCs, Ozone and PM10 Emissions from Office Printers in na Environmental Chamber. Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2000, Vol. 4.
Lee S.C., Wang B. 2004. Characteristics of Emissions of Air Pollutants from Burning of Incense in a Large Environmental Chamber. Atmospheric Environment, 38, pp. 941-951.
Liu X., Mason M., Krebs K., Sparks L. 2004. Full-Scale Chamber Investigation and Simulation of Air Freshener Emissions in the Presence of Ozone. Environmental Science and Technology, 38, pp. 2802-2812.
Maupetit F. 2014. Evaluation dela contribution des matériaux de construction à la qualité de l'air intérieur (étude préalable). Report.
McCrillis R.C., Burnet P.G. 1990. Effects of Burnrate, Wood Species, Altitude and Stove Type on Woodstave Emissions. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 6, pp. 95-102.
Moser B., Bodrogi F., Eibl G., Lechner M., Rieder J., Lirk P. 2005. Mass spectrometric profile of exhaled breath—field study by PTR-MS. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 145, pp. 295-300.
Nakagawa T., Wargocki P., Tanabe S., Weschler C.J., Baginska S., Bakó-Biró Z., Fanger P.O. 2003. Chemical emission rates from personal computers. Proceedings: Healthy Buildings 2003.
Nicolas M., Chiappini L., D'Anna B., Nicolle J., Fable S., Cannier C., Fernandez M., Greuillet C. 2013. Household products using and indoor air quality: emission reactivity and by-products, final report of project ADOQ granted by the French national program PRIMEQUAL 2 / PREDIT. Report.
Pagels J., Wierzbicka A., Nilsson E., Isaxon C., Dahl A., Gudmundsson A., Swietlicki E, Bohgard M. 2009. Chemical Composition and Mass Emission Factors of Candle Smoke Particles. Aerosol Science, 40, pp. 193-208.
Plaisance H., Blondel A., Desauziers V., Mocho P. 2014. Hierarchical cluster analysis of carbonyl compounds emission profiles from building and furniture materials. Building and Environment, 75, pp. 40-45.
Riess U., Tegtbur U., Fauck C., Fuhrmann F., Markewitz D., Salthammer T. 2010. Experimental setup and analytical methods for the non-invasive determination of volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde and NOx in exhaled human breath. Analytica Chimica Acta, 669, pp. 53-62.
Roux M.-L. 2012. Contribution de mobilier à la qualité de l'air intérieur dans les crèches (MOBAIR-C)Contribution of furnitures to the indoor air quality of day-nurseries. Report.
Singer B.C., Destaillats H., Hodgson A.T., Nazaroff W.W. 2006. Cleaning Products and Air Fresheners: Emissions and Resulting Concentrations of Glycol Ethers and Terpenoids. Indoor Air, 16, pp. 179-191.
Tissari J., Lyyranen J., Hytonen K., Sippula O., Tapper U., Frey A., Saarnio K., Pennanen A.S., Hillamo R. , Salonen R.O. , Hirvonen M.-R., Jokiniemi J. 2008. Fine Particle and Gaseous Emissions from Normal and Smouldering Wood Combustion in a Conventional Masonry Heater. Atmospheric Environment, 42, pp. 7862-7873.
Traynor G.W., Anthon D.W., Hollowell C.D. 1982. Technique for Determining Pollutant Emissions from a Gas-Fired Range. Atmospheric Environment, 16, pp. 2979-2987.
Wallace L. 2006. Indoor Sources of Ultrafine and Accumulation Mode Particles: Size Distributions, Size-Resolved Concentrations, and Source Strengths. Aerosol Science and Technology, 40, pp. 348-360.
Wensing M., Kummer T., Riemann A., Schwampe W. 2002. Emissions from Electronic Devices_Examination of Computer Monitors and Laser Printers in a 1m3 Emission Test Chamber. Proceedings: Indoor Air 2002.
Won D., Shaw C.Y. 2004. Investigation of Building Materials as VOC Sources in Indoor Air. Report.
Yeung L.L., To W.M. 2008. Size Distributions of the Aerosols Emitted from Commercial Cooking Processes. Indoor and Built Environment, 17, pp. 220–229.
Zai S., Zhena H., Jia-song W. 2006. Studies on the Size Distribution, Number and Mass Emission Factors of Candle Particles characterized by Modes of Burning. Aerosol Science, 37, pp. 1484 – 1496.
Zhu J., Cao X.L., Beauchamp R. 2001. Determination of 2-butoxyethanol Emissions from Selected Consumer Products and its Application in Assessment of Inhalation Exposure Associated with Cleaning Tasks. Environment International, 26, pp. 589-597.